Thursday, November 17, 2005

Hey Mikey! He likes it!

AP/UPI/Rueters/BBC/NYTIMES/Washington Post, NYC, November 17- Early into his tenure at the Planetary University of Brooklyn, the young, and intense, scholar Colson Oliver is caught enjoying his latest revelation. Critics said he was just passing gas, but eyewitness accounts dispute these allegations. Yes Mikey, he likes it. He really likes it.

What's next for the handsome, young scholar? Will he find the answers he seeks? Will his handsome, young parents ever get some sleep? Stay tuned for more of "COLSON OLIVER, HANDSOME YOUNG SCHOLAR!"

(brought to you by the Planetary Council of Brooklyn and Hip Baby Productions)

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


It is my profound pleasure to announce to the world the arrival of it's newest baby-at-large, member of the Human Race, and the latest citizen of the Planet of Brooklyn:

Colson Oliver!

Born October 31, the son and first born, of my sister Alex, and brother-in-law Greg. He is welcomed into the world by loving parents, and a warm household made ready for him with much anticipation. As his uncle I welcome him too, with open arms. I salute his new parents as well, and wish the best for them as they embark on this new turn in their journey together.

Today the revolution begins, and the world will never again be the same...

Friday, October 28, 2005

Podcasting article in the Monterey Herald

Posted on Fri, Oct. 28, 2005

Podcasting power The Internet allows anyone with some compuer savvy to produce their own radio broadcasts


Herald Staff Writer

It's a gray Sunday afternoon in Monterey and Garland Thompson and Shawn Singletary frantically prepare to podcast to the world from their makeshift home studio.

On this day, the cramped apartment bedroom has been transformed into Studio T (short for Thompson), where a trio of computers are plugged into a 16-track Mackie recording mixer. Sound levels are checked on standard CD player headphones. The two Monterey-based poets operate their show, "Sunday Go To Meetin'" -- a reference to a popular Southern slang term denoting a post-church service gathering -- as if they will broadcast live to an audience of thousands; in reality, they'll be lucky if they get a few hundred.

"Welcome to the wonderful world of podcasting," Singletary says with a laugh...more

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Oh by the way...

there's a new theatre in town when it comes to the big lights of New York City. In a historic moment this past sunday, the old Virginia theatre at 245 w. 52nd st. was renamed the AUGUST WILSON MEMORIAL THEATRE! A great moment of remembrance for a great playwright, and man. When i look at that building i will always remember August, and all he stood for. i hope you will too. Thanks August, for everything...


Here we are...

Here we are! another day another dollar. its tuesday, and somewhere in the world a constitution has been declared approved by the people. the morning headlines started with some bombshells, and its hard to tell which way the winds will blow in Washington this week. Lets see what happens friday, then compare notes, shall we? right now, its off to rehearsal, Mr. Shaw (GB) is waiting...
-radiodogg aka G3

the New York Times

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Katrina's gone to bed but...

Rehnquist is Dead! Katrina's gone to bed! FEMA's Michael Brown should be hangin' his head! What a shame! All the pain! Michael Chertoff, you must be insane! Can't you hear the voices of the hurricane? Crying thru the rain. For years to come we'll be paying for this lame game, for these lame brains who say: '...wait for the professionals. We're doing all we can'...and New Orleans is now a DIASPORA...her people spread against the sky...or floating face down in the stagnant Ninth Ward waters...

The American Red Cross
Morgan Freeman's Hurricane Katrina Online Relief Auction
Katrina Relief Information/Links
The New Orleans Times-Picayune
The New York Times
The Associated Press

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Things are heating up in Scotland...

Things are heating up in Scotland! Live 8 got things rolling and that's what the people are doing, rolling into town to be heard. Bob Geldof kept the pressure on this weekend in the media, and loads of African activists have been showing up to get their point across. What will the G8 leaders do? Will they notice? Do they even care? In other news, I heard Bush basically say he doesn't owe Tony Blair a damn thing. "I don't view this as a 'quid pro quo' relationship", Bush said. Say what? Man, that's cold! Blair has been his boy, his runnin' partner for this whole war on terrorism & Iraq thing since day one. When nobody wanted to hear about it Blair was beating people's eardrums and twisting political arms to get them on board. He told his own people to 'piss off, we're going', when it came time to go to war. Even though there were nearly a million people on the streets of London screaming 'No!' Blair has caught all kinds of hell in his own Parliament, as he stood up for Bush, and supported him, and this is how Bush repays him. I can only hope that Blair wakes up and realizes which side his Texas toast is buttered on. Otherwise he's one of the biggest suckers around.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Ted Kooser, America's Poet Laureate presents:

American Life in Poetry: Column 014


Often everyday experiences provide poets with inspiration. Here Georgiana Cohen observes a woman looking out her window and compares the woman to the sunset. The woman's "slumped" chin, the fence that separates them, and the "beached" cars set the poem's tone; this is clearly not a celebration of the neighborhood. Yet by turning to clouds, sky, and breath, Cohen underscores the scene's fragile grace.

Old Woman in a Housecoat

An old woman in
a floor-length housecoat
has become sunset
to me, west-facing.
Turquoise, sage, or rose,
she leans out of her
second floor window,
chin slumped in her palm,
and gazes at the
fenced property line
between us, the cars
beached in the driveway,
the creeping slide of
light across shingles.
When the window shuts,
dusk becomes blush and
bruises, projected
on vinyl siding.
Housecoats breathe across
the sky like frail clouds.

Reprinted from "Cream City Review," 2004, by permission of the author, a writer and journalist living in Boston. Poem copyright © 2004 by Georgiana Cohen. This weekly column is supported by The Poetry Foundation, The Library of Congress, and the Department of English at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. This column does not accept unsolicited poetry. This column is reprinted with permission.

Happy 4th of July everyone! Happy Independence Day! - gt

On to Edinburgh!

So people are making their way to Edinburgh for the big G8 meeting. Bush made a speech this past friday talking about Africa, it's children, and the support they need. This is a good thing. I hope it's not just talk, and I'm even willing to suspend my usual cynicism when it comes to the idea of ending poverty. I think it's a grand idea, and why not? Why can't it be done? I'm especially thrilled that Art and Culture are the main vehicles for promoting positive, rational change, and creating an environment for constructive dialogue. I'm watching the G8 with renewed interest. Let's see what happens next!

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Go Live 8! Death to poverty and starvation!

Just a quick post to say I've been checking out the concert clips from Live 8. I'm trying to find a live feed but so far I've only found AOL and the BBC, and they're running clips. AOL says it's live but they're showing Berlin and London, and it's still light out while it's still light out here in Cali. They're still tres cool though! I just finished checking out Green Day in Berlin, and they rocked the house closing with the classic Queen hit, "WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS". I admit I've never been a real fan, or even paid that much attention to them ever since I first saw them in Dallas at Lollapalooza. But they did a great set, and I'm glad I caught it. I also saw part of Elton John's set, and he tore it up! Rocked it in true Elton John fashion! Add some Lucky Dube in from Johannesburg, and some Orchestra Baobob, Lindiwe and REM too, and you've got a heady brew for a saturday afternoon! Go Live 8! Death to poverty and starvation! G8 Leaders, you better be listening! It's time to step up to the plate and make history! Right now!

Should we end poverty? HELL YEAH!


There are concerts all over the world this weekend and next week. All to end poverty by telling the G8 leaders in no uncertain terms to do so. A plan will be presented that addresses the issues facing all our nations today. It includes, debt relief, and Aid to the impoverished areas of the world, among other things. There are great looking, easy-to-use websites ( and that have all the info you want or need to understand what's happening. You can sign the pledge to end poverty, and send the leader of your G8 nation a message of your choice! There's a million citizen march that you can sign up for, and you'll be in great company with some of the high profile people who have signed. Now you can say you work with Bono, and Bob Geldof! This humble blogger as well. Click the link to the right to find out all out it now, then pass it on to your friends. Remember, the first step to change is to have the will, and that's where we come in. To show the will to do the right thing, and make sure the leaders of the 8 nations at the G8 summit receive that will, and do the right thing. Check it out. Let's end poverty. NOW! Sign the LIVE 8 List, go to the free concerts, join the march. Make yourself heard. She needs it, and so do we!

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Start clicking stuff...

Hey, just wanted to drop a line or two to invite everyone to start clicking some or all of those links I've put up here. Especially the podcasting links. As you may know Apple released Itunes 4.9, the Podcast version this past Tuesday. Already over a million subscriptions to podcasts have taken place. They're still working out the bugs, and weren't prepared for the demand but it's happening! I've submitted our XML feed to Apple, and hope to see it in their directory soon. In the meantime you can listen to our one hour podcast called SUNDAY GO TO MEETIN' by simply clicking on the free player to your right. You can subscribe to it by using one of the many podcatcher programs, like Ipodder, IpodderX, Podnova, and many others, and putting our feed into your program where it says 'Subscribe'. Download us straight to your iPod while you sleep, play or work. Automatically. Then take us with you. It's the wonderful world of Podcasting baby! And we're all up in it!


Wednesday, June 29, 2005

More of the same: Lies Lies Lies

The Washington Post

For the record let me state right now that I don't believe a word Bush said in his latest speech. In fact, I don't believe a word he says, period. He said there were WMD's. There were no WMD's. He said (and still says) there was a connection between 9-11 and Iraq. There was no connection. He said Saddam and his regime were a threat to the United States. He was not. Tony Blair said Saddam could launch a missile strike with chemical weapons in 45 minutes. In no way, shape or form could he have done that. Dick Cheney said that we would be welcomed with smiles as 'liberators'. If this is how they welcome 'liberators', and 'friends of the Iraqi People' I'd hate to see the way they treat enemies. Bush says we're safer now than we were before. Report after report (credible ones!) come out and show we're not. Bush says we don't 'negotiate' with terrorists. The major newpapers report on 'secret' talks we are conducting with the 'insurgency'. I feel like I'm dealing with two completely different realities every day, and I'm tired. The mental acuity necessary to find a way thru this insanity generated by fools is immense, and exhausting. Maybe this administration is made up of robots, automatons who run non-stop like the energizer bunny beating their war drum into the minds of America.

The more I think about it, the more I realize that the only 'right' thing to do is totally withdraw all our troops in an orderly fashion, and shift our policy to materially support democratic groups within Iraq that don't want the nation to slip back into dictatorship, or corruption or rule by hardline Mullahs. When Bush says we must stay the course for the sake of the Iraqi people, and Democracy, this is another blatant lie. The reason we are afraid to pull our troops out of Iraq is that if we do we will not be able to insure that a government friendly, and compliant to ours will take charge. We risk losing any foothold that this war may have gained us into the second largest oil field in the Middle East. Remember, our forces got booted from Saudi Arabia, the number ONE largest oilfield in the Middle East. No more 'edge' there, kimosabe. Of course, continuing on in the current fashion is steadily eroding that foothold when, ironically, with a slightly different strategy we could be in like Flint. If done right, with the proper respect, and gestures, we would be offered dinner, desert and daughters by families across the land. The Garden of Eden would be open to us in way that military might could never achieve. Our prosperity would be unimaginable, and it's repercussions throughout the world would be magical. Yes, I said magical. Gene Roddenberry and JRR Tolkien labored hard for years to show us what this magic could look like. All we have to do is look and read to be given the gift of vision. On some level these men dreamed of inspiring us to be the best we could be against all odds, and to do the right thing. Maybe if we did just that we'd all see what America, and the world could really be. Maybe. At least we could try.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Father's Day 2005

Let me start this by saying Happy Father's Day! To my father and all the father's out there. On the real Dad, you're the greatest! And also to all the Fathers past, and the fathers to be, you know who you are! Stand up, and take a bow, all of you! Take some time, and care, dear readers, to remember Dad and everything he's done for you. He's worked hard, and always wanted nothing but the best for you, and your family. He wanted you to be sucessful, and happy, even if he himself might not be, and did everything he could to see that you were. So, take a moment, and remember him...

Unless, of course, he was/is a fucker. In which case, bless him, and release him. Then promptly forget him. Except for when you write, make movies, or play a bastard on TV or stage. If he's a fucker you can remember him in those few circumstances, and he'll actually be useful to you. In life he can be an instruction manual of what NOT to be, how NOT to act. Otherwise he's useless, a skin to be shed, and after blessing and releasing him, it's time to move on...

Monday, May 30, 2005

The Fallen

Their faces float across the screen
my eyes bouncing from left to right
as the names are being read aloud.
I’m sitting on the floor,
and usually when I’m watching TV
I slouch, I lay back,
but not this time.
For this forty minute broadcast
of the names and faces
of the fallen soldiers
who fought our latest war
I am compelled by gratitude,
frustration, and sorrow
to sit straight up,
stark and still
as the soldiers who stand at attention
and salute when the commander-in-chief walks by.

My body’s not used to it.
In fact, it prefers it’s late night slouch
but now is not the time for slouching.
Now is the time for sitting up straight
and paying attention to the roll call.
I sit cross-legged on the floor
and focus on their eyes as I listen.

Tom, Lori, Brian, Jose, Michael, Christine, Ahmed, Loretta, Frank, Joseph, Armando.

I search their faces for what I can see
watching big smiles in ceremonial dress and camouflage.
I try to imagine them at their best
and happy.
Mostly it works, but a few bloody poses
sneak into my head and I push my back
a little straighter.

When the names are done,
and all the faces gone by
I stand and salute.
I am a civilian, and I do it anyway.
Not for show or silly ritual,
but to say thanks
for putting the uniform on.
So others might not have to.

© 2004 Garland Lee Thompson Jr.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Originally uploaded by gtpoet.
If anyone out there is actually reading this, and would like to do something very cool today for someone else, scroll down the page and click on the link on the right that says 'view my guest map' and leave me a note. It shows up as a colored pin on a map of the world. Take a moment if you can and drop a pin on the map today. Help me know the world I'm connected to. Peace.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

How time flies...

Holy crap Batman! More than a week has gone by since the last post! Man, does time fly! Where does it go? For that matter where does it come from? Is it a straight line or some twisted mass like a bad large intestine on the Oprah show? Does it intersect reality in some way we can measure? Can we travel through it? These and other questions are being looked at by Quantum Mechanics everywhere, and some really believe we'll figure it out one day. As for me, it's the SPEED of Time that gets under my skin. Sometimes it's unbearably slow, inching along like molasses down the side of a jar. Sometimes it's unbearably fast and a moment is over before you've barely realized it's there, and you're in it. You know what I mean. Time flies when you're having fun, and all that. There was nothing to do, and the time just dragged on. Perception is a large part of it, and you can see it in these 2 axioms. Having fun, and having nothing to do (thus having NO fun) are essentially the same thing. Two states of being that affect our perception of time. Change these states, and you change your perception. The two are intrinsically linked. Then there are all the times we're on autopilot. Another way of dealing with our perception of time. As well as with everyday life, routine, and maybe mundane, things that need to be done but don't exactly tickle our short hairs. In essence, time marches on , and we find ourselves right in the middle of it. Like standing in the center of a stream or river, a little piece of us washed away every minute we stand in it. It's moving fast, moving slow. What's come to be known as ebb and flow. Breath it in, breath it out, expand and contract. With all the currents of time of time flowing around and past us. Picking us up and taking us for a ride, even as it takes us a little at a time. The ride is sometimes smooth, sometimes bumpy, but a ride nonetheless. If you're lucky enough to have seatbelts, you better buckle up. It's bound to be the ride of your life! Meanwhile, simultaneously, every day we trudge to the factory floor or the big box store, the office cubicle or the 7-11 parking lot, chanting 'If you got the dime, then I got the time. If you got the dime, I got the time.' The same line that every man, woman and child will say many times in their lives. It's the chant that dictates lives, and whole cultures even. A simple line taught to children as a nursery rhyme they whisper to their own children generation after generation. With worldwide consequence. Time and civilization march on, yet it always seems like the more things change, the more they stay the same. If you got the dime, I got the time. I got the time if you got the dime. A chant of Man since the beginning of time. Or at least recorded history. Who knows what life was like before? I wonder, can anybody tell me what life was like before?

Monday, April 25, 2005

Monday, monday...

Here it is, Monday evening in Monterey. I'm sitting at a local coffeehouse surrounded by college students studying. The people to the right of me must be studying law because I hear them discussing motive, self defense pleas, and what constitutes stress. There's a couple of japanese girls to my left, and their stream of conversation has been non-stop since I sat down. No doubt since before I sat down. I've got a cd of my sister and her husband interviewing her in Grand Central Station, NYC. I put my headphones on and started to listen to it. Immediately I was engrossed. Sucked in like a black hole. I listened to a minute or two of it, then decided to stop and write this blog entry. I want to listen to it when I'm at home with no distractions where I can put it on in my studio, and really get into it. So now I've got a funky bunch of sounds coming my way via the internet. Adding to the rest of the sounds leaking into my ears. Music from the cafe, people talking, upstairs and downstairs. I've got funk in my ears and there's jazz coming from the house speakers. I'm nearly done with my mocha, whose end will signal the time for me to head back to the barn. Every minute brings more students climbing the stairs looking for someplace to park themselves and their laptops. Nine out of ten students I see here have one. Mostly PC's, but one or two Apples, including mine. The wireless internet works great here, and best of all it's free! Now if they just add some more tables...

You've just vicariously, through literary device, experienced shades of a few moments in my life. I hope it helps. We now return you to your own previously scheduled existence. Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, monday...

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Poetry to the People!

The Road to Hell...
Originally uploaded by gtpoet.
In honor of National Poetry Month, a brand new poem, untitled and, as of this writing, only read once in public. Dig it:

Her feet leave
walking down the street
up the block
around the corner
She is breathing and walking
past trees past cars
people, dogs, front porches
apartment buildings, Palm trees
italian jewelry stores on a street faraway called Delancey
Her feet dip and step as the world rotates
beneath her 1000 mph
knees bending her to the beat
she hears in her head
that Afro pulse latin groovalicious
funkadelic dichotomy of rhythm
pulsing through air,
virtual and real
She is LCD'd and DVD'd
listening to the MP3 of her future voice
i-podding itself into being right now
She is going beyond Brittany
in a jitney filled with people
going her way and
there are flashes in the pan
stashes for the band
two birds in the hand
migrant workers tending the land
while politician gangsters
run their scams -
Still she is steppin' on
flowing like the Hoover Dam
always lyrical
sharp and quizzical
a kind of nitro-dizzical
who won't take
no for an answer
to the question
she is asking
though she knows
change ain't for those basking
in the limelight

of their own sun
and the Father, Son, the Holy Ghost
are the prayed to Gods
people pray to most
she whispers to herself
as she makes a silent toast
to the gravel voiced cat
in the Army green coat
who says to the counter man
with suspicious eyes,
"Can I get four dollars and
four quarters - change for this five"
maybe he's thinkin' to himself
I'm just tryin' to stay alive
when he says to her
" 'scuse me€,
I'm a government employee,
and Green Berets always
sleep good at night."€
Then he smiles at her and
takes a hard right
into the rainy gray
monday morning light

and she steps on
the world rotating
a thousand miles per hour
beneath her feet.

©2005 GLT Jr. March 21, 2005

Saturday, April 02, 2005

John Paul takes his final curtain...

Karol Jozef Wojtyla
Originally uploaded by gtpoet.
John Paul II, the Pope of Rome, the Holy Father, has moved on. He's left the building. He's gone.

On Saturday night, April 2, 2005, Pope John Paul II finally met his maker

Fitting for a man of his great, public stature there is definitely no shortage of real, or cyber, ink on him, and his life. All the more so since his health had been declining steadily in recent months. Still, I'm drawn to my keyboard, kind of like a moth drawn to a light. While I am not a practicing, fallen, guilty, or any other, kind of catholic, I can recognize a man who was beloved by millions, feared by dictators, and duly elected officials alike.

Snapshot 1987: The Pope was touring Los Angeles, complete with a rock star entourage, and security detail that included at least four U.S. Army helicopters watching his every move from the sky. I was working as a carpe
nter for the Los Angeles Festival at Raleigh Studios on Melrose Avenue. Looking up one day as I stood outside Studio 14, I saw the Army choppers flying above my head, and remembered a recent news report that stated the cost of a Papal hat (the tall one they wear) was $10,000, and I thought to myself "Sell the hat, and feed the poor!" At the time I thought the Pope, and most leading practitioners of Catholicism, were hypocrites. To my ear they preached about the goodness of helping the downtrodden among us, even as they laid high moral decrees on struggling people from the backs of limousines. Living the high life, spending millions of dollars on hats, rings, and any other damn thing they pleased to have. Not to mention all the money our city, state, and federal governments were spending on security, and rolling out the red carpet for his visit. This was the time of 'Gordon Gecko', the fictional lizard of Wall Street, and tele-e-jackass Jim Bakker, when greed was good, and I felt the whole thing was overblown. I was annoyed that so much time, attention, and money was being paid to a man whose moral authority was ambiguous to me at best, and whose organization was highly suspect with a checkered past. Remember, in 1987 this was still the same church that had run the Inquisition, called Galileo a heretic for believing the Earth revolved around the Sun, and eventually convicted him as such placing him under house arrest until the end of his life. While thinking about it I even flirted with the idea of making a big sign that said: 'Sell the hat, and feed the poor!", and going to protest the Pope's visit as he rode around my hometown like a self appointed king.

I never made the sign. I went back to work, and blew the whole thing off.

Years later, I know the situation was never that black and white, and I still vehemently disagree with many of his views, and statements. As for the hat, it's probably just one of those things that comes with the territory. Like the Pope-mobile with it's bullet-proof glass box John Paul would sit in as he was driven around city after city. I've often wondered what's locked in the basement of the Vatican, hidden from prying eyes, maybe even from the Pope himself. Today, I think about a young Karol Jozef Wojtyla
(Vo-TEE-Wah) studying in Poland at university, pursuing his love for Poetry, Literature, and Theatre with an experimental theatre group in 1938. Participating in poetry readings, and literary discussions. I think about this, and I can't help but smile as I read in CNN's special Pope report that "friends say he was an intense and gifted actor, and a fine singer." Through having the great priviledge myself to have grown up surrounded by gifted actors, directors, poets, playwrights, producers, designers, and stagehands, the Theatre has been my church for as long as I can remember, and it's the one place I can honestly say I've spent most of my Sundays. Poetry is one of my greatest loves, a goddess muse who literally saved my life, and to whom I am eternally devoted to. Knowing of his love for Theatre, knowing of his love for Poetry, somehow allows me to feel kind of close to him. I don't necessarily agree with him, but I respect. In the play, AS YOU LIKE IT, Act 2, Scene 7, Shakespeare wrote this line for the character of Jaques de Boys:

"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women, merely players; they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts..."

Both man, and Fate (God too if you believe in such things), conspired to produce the play that was Karol Wojtyla's vida loca. When, in 1978, the newly chosen headliner, Pope John Paul I, died suddenly a month into his run in Rome at the great papal theatre in Vatican City, the Broadway of the gospel circuit, auditions were held. After a brief deliberation, the talented Karol, already starring in Poland as the immensely popular Archbishop of Krakow, was given a callback, and cast in the greatest part he would ever play, Pope John Paul II. Beloved by millions, feared by dictators, and duly elected officials alike. In this role of a lifetime he got good reviews, he got bad reviews, he caused a buzz, made women swoon, and freed his nation from a corrupt, Communist choke-hold. He made people laugh, and smile, never missed a show, and he was never out of work.

Which is more than most actors could ever hope for.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Keeping Time with the Revolution

Mere moments ago I joined one of the latest efforts to keep the world 'virtually' safe from the squares out there who would have us all on lockdown in nice little boxes where they can easily monitor our 'progress' (or dissent). It's, and from all accounts it is a cool spot on the net. The people who put it together are all net pioneers, and very into keeping the flow of information free, and available, to anyone who wants to use, or build upon it. So, I'm in the mix! Check it out!

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Doin' tha Beat thang

Am in San Francisco for the weekend chasing cool with Dr. Audrey Sprenger, and her flock of young hipsters from the University of Denver. Bill Morgan, friend of Allen Ginsberg, and creator of some wonderful books on the Beats hangouts in NY & SF, is here, as well as Jerry Cimino a.k.a. Prof. Jerry, the Beat Scholar, and we're awaiting the arrival of Mr. Fabulous himself, David Amram as he jets in from the East coast just to hang out with us. There's all sorts of crazy talk about what we're doing from a walking tour of North Beach (part of the course), to jazz to a memorial for the late Philip Lamantia, the great surrealist poet to hanging out with more Beat legends. More later friends. Onward ho!

Friday, March 11, 2005

I need to rant!

First though, on the 1 year anniversary of the Madrid train bombings, my heart, and good wishes, go out to the people of Spain for their terrible loss of life, and limb, on that tragic Spring day. I mourn, celebrate, and look to the future with them.

And now it's time for a 30 second rant:

I am sooooooo sick and tired of hearing the utter crap that is getting repeated at nearly every turn in America today: "We are spreading Democracy across the world." Democracy across the world? What about Democracy here at home? America gets hit by terrorists, and one of the first things that happens (for our safety - yeah right!) is the limiting of our democratic freedoms through the Patriot Act, a bill rushed thru Congress, and passed into law with little to no debate on it's necessity, or possible effectiveness. Then came the Department of Homeland Security, their color-coded threat levels, and daily press briefings. To this day, politicians, and neocon mouthpieces continue to stare into CNN's cameras fanning the flames of paranoia with their constant reiteration that "they" are out to get us, "they" are lurking around every corner, and we must not hesitate to respond. Thus we must give up our freedoms in order to save them. Huh? Sounds like George Orwell's "NewSpeak"*, doesn't it? Meanwhile, a tragedy of similar proportions happens in Spain on March 11, 2004. What happens there? Do the Spanish people get a Spanish patriot act, and a huge, new beauracracy scrutinizing them? Does a wave of hysterical predictions repeated endlessly in the mass media get foisted on the people of Spain? Are there mass arrests of innocent, law-abiding, persons in a crackdown that ultimately puts people on edge for little, or no reason? The answer in a word:


In fact, the Spanish People responded to the attacks of March 11 by first tending to their wounded, and dead, and second, by demanding the truth from the government about what they knew, and who they were investigating. Here's how the Spanish government responded:

The conservative government of Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar immediately blamed the Basque separatist group ETA for the train bombings. National elections were three days away, and Prime Minister Aznar's government strongly opposed the group. But a day before the elections, a videotape was found near a Madrid Mosque. It announced that al-Qaida had attacked the trains to punish Spain for sending troops to Iraq. - Jeffrey Young, Voice of America March 11, 2005

Here's how the Spanish people responded in their National election 3 days later:

The combination of Spanish public opposition to the war in Iraq and the perception that the government had manipulated public opinion led to Prime Minister Aznar's defeat. - Jeffrey Young, Voice of America March 11, 2005

There you have it America. The definition of accountability demonstrated for all the world to see. You don't tell the truth, you intentionally mislead the people, and you lose your job, you don't pass go, you don't collect 200+ million dollars. Jose Aznar's government fell like a house of cards in a hurricane because they did just that, and the first thing the new government did was change the foreign policy, and pull all the Spanish troops out of Iraq. Of course there were, and are, people on the right in Spain who disagreed with this course of action, but it appears the vast majority of Spaniards were all for it.

Quote: I have seen the promised land...and I know we as a people we will get there one day. **

I only hope, for us here in America, the sake of Humanity, and our planet, that it's sooner than later.

End of rant.

*From "1984" by George Orwell
** Martin Luther King, Jr.

Monday, March 07, 2005

RAdioDogg...a blog for right now

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