Let me start this by saying Happy Father's Day! To my father and all the father's out there. On the real Dad, you're the greatest! And also to all the Fathers past, and the fathers to be, you know who you are! Stand up, and take a bow, all of you! Take some time, and care, dear readers, to remember Dad and everything he's done for you. He's worked hard, and always wanted nothing but the best for you, and your family. He wanted you to be sucessful, and happy, even if he himself might not be, and did everything he could to see that you were. So, take a moment, and remember him...
Unless, of course, he was/is a fucker. In which case, bless him, and release him. Then promptly forget him. Except for when you write, make movies, or play a bastard on TV or stage. If he's a fucker you can remember him in those few circumstances, and he'll actually be useful to you. In life he can be an instruction manual of what NOT to be, how NOT to act. Otherwise he's useless, a skin to be shed, and after blessing and releasing him, it's time to move on...
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