Friday, November 10, 2006

Alright, who's first!

Mississippians Rise Up Over Rangel’s Comment - New York Times

From the NY Times article:

...On Wednesday, the day after the Democrats won a House majority, Mr. Rangel, the Harlem Democrat poised to becomechairman of the Ways and Means Committee, which writes tax legislation,talked about winning back more of the tax revenue that New York Statesends to the Treasury. He said, “Mississippi gets more than their fair share back in federal money, but who the hell wants to live in Mississippi?”


Just when things are looking good for the party, and it's leaders seem to be trying to get the message sent by the American people in Tuesday's midterm election sweep of the Republicans, somebody has to go and say something stupid. Not just ANYBODY mind you, but the next head of the House Ways & Means Committee, that high powered, high dollar gang in Washington that gets to decide how much dough a given state may get for something they want.

I'd be lying if I didn't say that a part of my first reaction to his comment was, "Oh no, not him. Why did it have to be him?" Not that any other "him" (or "her) would have been better, but did it HAVE to be "Mr. Rangel, the Harlem Democrat"? The other part of my reaction was: "Morgan Freeman wants to live there. He likes it so much, in fact, that he has a farm there, a 5 star restaurant that is the toast of the town, and one of the hottest Blues clubs in the whole nation! (Which he, and his business partner, have now exported to Nashville, as well) He, and his lovely wife (who I happen to know from my childhood way back in the day, and yes, I know him too), have lived there for years. Whenever he's not making a movie somewhere, chillin' in Hollywood, or travelling, and accepting numerous honours, he's there on the Mississippi Delta loving every minute of it.

I was hoping the Dems could go one full week without somebody screwing up, though in retrospect, I must have been on crack to think such a thing was possible. It's the Democratic Party, after all! Welcome to the Big Tent!

My apologies for sounding so cynical a note.

Like the rest of us, I've been battered, and beaten over the head, with the vagaries of Washington politics, and I'm tired. Though not too tired to call it like I see it. You messed up Charlie. Not enough to blow your cool, new job, but enough to make people shake their heads, and throw their hands in the sky, asking "Why, lord, why?" A word to the wise. The next time you feel so happy about being a New Yorker, and think: “I just love New York so much that I can’t understand why everyone wouldn’t want to live here.”, keep it low-key, maybe even keep it to yourself, and just do your job.

We will all be the better for it.


-from the Radiodogg desk for current affairs

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