Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Katrina's gone to bed but...

Rehnquist is Dead! Katrina's gone to bed! FEMA's Michael Brown should be hangin' his head! What a shame! All the pain! Michael Chertoff, you must be insane! Can't you hear the voices of the hurricane? Crying thru the rain. For years to come we'll be paying for this lame game, for these lame brains who say: '...wait for the professionals. We're doing all we can'...and New Orleans is now a DIASPORA...her people spread against the sky...or floating face down in the stagnant Ninth Ward waters...

The American Red Cross
Morgan Freeman's Hurricane Katrina Online Relief Auction
Katrina Relief Information/Links
The New Orleans Times-Picayune
The New York Times
The Associated Press