Wednesday, June 29, 2005

More of the same: Lies Lies Lies

The Washington Post

For the record let me state right now that I don't believe a word Bush said in his latest speech. In fact, I don't believe a word he says, period. He said there were WMD's. There were no WMD's. He said (and still says) there was a connection between 9-11 and Iraq. There was no connection. He said Saddam and his regime were a threat to the United States. He was not. Tony Blair said Saddam could launch a missile strike with chemical weapons in 45 minutes. In no way, shape or form could he have done that. Dick Cheney said that we would be welcomed with smiles as 'liberators'. If this is how they welcome 'liberators', and 'friends of the Iraqi People' I'd hate to see the way they treat enemies. Bush says we're safer now than we were before. Report after report (credible ones!) come out and show we're not. Bush says we don't 'negotiate' with terrorists. The major newpapers report on 'secret' talks we are conducting with the 'insurgency'. I feel like I'm dealing with two completely different realities every day, and I'm tired. The mental acuity necessary to find a way thru this insanity generated by fools is immense, and exhausting. Maybe this administration is made up of robots, automatons who run non-stop like the energizer bunny beating their war drum into the minds of America.

The more I think about it, the more I realize that the only 'right' thing to do is totally withdraw all our troops in an orderly fashion, and shift our policy to materially support democratic groups within Iraq that don't want the nation to slip back into dictatorship, or corruption or rule by hardline Mullahs. When Bush says we must stay the course for the sake of the Iraqi people, and Democracy, this is another blatant lie. The reason we are afraid to pull our troops out of Iraq is that if we do we will not be able to insure that a government friendly, and compliant to ours will take charge. We risk losing any foothold that this war may have gained us into the second largest oil field in the Middle East. Remember, our forces got booted from Saudi Arabia, the number ONE largest oilfield in the Middle East. No more 'edge' there, kimosabe. Of course, continuing on in the current fashion is steadily eroding that foothold when, ironically, with a slightly different strategy we could be in like Flint. If done right, with the proper respect, and gestures, we would be offered dinner, desert and daughters by families across the land. The Garden of Eden would be open to us in way that military might could never achieve. Our prosperity would be unimaginable, and it's repercussions throughout the world would be magical. Yes, I said magical. Gene Roddenberry and JRR Tolkien labored hard for years to show us what this magic could look like. All we have to do is look and read to be given the gift of vision. On some level these men dreamed of inspiring us to be the best we could be against all odds, and to do the right thing. Maybe if we did just that we'd all see what America, and the world could really be. Maybe. At least we could try.

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